Aug 30, 2019
Here's a little snippet of our Patreon exclusive episode on TWISTER (1996)! If you're not a patron of the show and want to learn more about how that works, head over to for more information!
May 24, 2019
Here’s a little snippet of our Patreon exclusive episode on WHAT ABOUT BOB?! If you’re not a patron of the show and want to learn more about how that works, head over to for more information!
May 24, 2019
Here’s a little snippet of our Patreon exclusive episode on JACOB’S LADDER! If you’re not a patron of the show and want to learn more about how that works, head over to for more information!
Mar 11, 2019
Here's a little snippet of our Patreon exclusive episode of ROBOCOP! If you're not a patron of the show and want to learn more about how that works, head over to for more information!