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Welcome to Varicon Video! This show relives forgotten and unforgettable movies that once lined the shelves of video stores everywhere! Let us know what you think of the show at

See you in the aisles...

-Brandon and Jordan

*Joseph co-hosted episodes 1-28*

Special thanks to our patrons:

Louis O., Mando M., Ryan M., Test Pattern: A Horror Movie Podcast, Mike P., Ryan S., Pete I., Jack P., Bloody in Love, James D., Zach L., and Marc H.!

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May 7, 2021

In this episode, we discuss a curious entry set in the Mamet-verse that's all about sleight of hand and what could be Gene Hackman's last great movie. We're here for the gold; it makes the world go round. Join us as we unpack David Mamet's affectations and his take on the heist genre!