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Welcome to Varicon Video! This show relives forgotten and unforgettable movies that once lined the shelves of video stores everywhere! Let us know what you think of the show at

See you in the aisles...

-Brandon and Jordan

*Joseph co-hosted episodes 1-28*

Special thanks to our patrons:

Louis O., Mando M., Ryan M., Test Pattern: A Horror Movie Podcast, Mike P., Ryan S., Pete I., Jack P., Bloody in Love, James D., Zach L., and Marc H.!

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Jul 27, 2021

The sun is shining…but the ice is slippery, just like Alec Baldwin’s performance. He’s running around with a big schnoz, ripping off his face, and cackling in the breeze, while a madman is running amok and Ian McKellen stands around with nothing to do. This might be the first movie we’ve covered that gets us some mail. Who can say? The Shadow nose.